Thursday, October 16, 2008


Due to your new perception of the world and self you notice things which you did not noticed before. In time of grief and stress your eyes open differently. You notice that you are sent a challenge, often a painful one, but right besides it you are sent family members that care, friends and regular "angel" aspects are emerging from these people.
My in-laws, starting with my daughter-in-law, her parents are so full of kindness and consideration.
My own grandson, a typical boy, who does not like to show affection too much - all of a sudden is showing his inner warmth and care for his old"baba". His eyes light up when he visits me, he hugges me and tries to help in any way he can (gives me massages etc).
A very tough (on the outside) lady from my parish, with whom I was not particularly close, calls almost everyday to find how I am doings; brings home cooked delicacies and makes me laugh, tells me stories about her mother experiences with her breast cancer that she conquered (but she died last year from another disease), takes me to the cemetery where her mother and my husband are buried, a.s.o...
An older gentleman with prostate cancer and many personal problems with his children, who used to help my husband when I was working - calls every day, takes care of the grass for me, takes me to doctors, hospitals, etc.
Couple of ladies from my parish take me shopping, to theater and musical performances or just walking in the park...
Some e-mail me constantly, some call...
I feel that all these people are angels and thank God for them; I am so blessed

1 comment:

Andy Ilachinski said...

It is a mysterious fact of this universe (a kind of spiritual "law") that whenever the souls that inhabit it experience a time of intense emotional or physical difficulty, "angels" as you call them appear to help, each in his/her own way. It may be that we are more "attuned" to their presence at such times (and they to ours); it may be that the noncorporeal parts of ourselves actively attract their presence. But whatever the reason, it is a gift the universe bestows on all of us. The even deeper mystery is that in the act of acceptance (of help on our partys from our angels), we also act as angels to others. Case in point: this blog, born of your current illness, even as it so eloquently describes the angels that have appeared in your life, earmarks you as an angel to others who are going through similar difficulties.