Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saga continues

Unfortunately the surgeon told me that they can start chemotherapy immediately. So I went to my oncologist and am now scheduled for the first treatment on Wednesday November 5th. I am so frightened - don't know what to expect. All the new pills I have to take the day before the treatment, the day of treatment and the day after make me so apprehensive. Will I be nauseated?, will I vomit?, will I be cold or hot?, will there be pain?, how will I feel?. I am supposed to belief that God will take care of me, but I can not sleep at night - what a hero!
May be some of my fellow travelers on the same road feel the same. It would be so helpful to know, but I guess I am the only blubber mouth who voices and utters her misgivings; people I know with the same disease keep their feelings to themselves. You almost feel that one should be ashamed of it, like it is a venereal disease and don't talk about it.
I was told the first treatment will take 3 hours; they will give me two medicines through the infusion port; duration 1 hour each and some time to "relax" in between. Relax is a funny word to use in these circumstances, don't you think?
On Wednesday evening I called my son to tell him all the good news - start of treatments and that the doctor said I could be with him and his family on Thanksgiving and Christmas. He repeated it and then I heard a shout from my daughter-in-low : "Hooray Mamuulia will be with us!". Tell me how many daughters-in-low in this United States shout from joy and celebrate that their husband's mother can be with them on Thanksgiving and Christmas? Tears came to my eyes and I thanked God for my blessings. May be sickness is sent to us to see these precious moments?

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