Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Side effects

The worst day was Sunday; You would think the worst was over, but tricky it hits you when you least expect it. I came from church and started feeling really not all there-very weak, nauseated and vomiting. It hit me unprepared so the worst part was cleaning the rug and myself. Absence of desire to eat, could not look or smell food. Diet Coke could stay down, so could toast. And I realized why they have given me anti-nausea pills - use them stupid.
The blood sugar stays high even without eating a lot; but I force myself. Chicken broth stays down.
So I am finding solutions and hope for better times to come.
Yesterday I substituted in Lilly's Bra and Wig shop as a volunteer and was very happy to be able to do so. Especially when I got two baseball cups as a present: one red, one blue. How vain we are? Here I am a 77 year old and enjoy baseball caps that cover my head completely and really look terrific.
So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't despair!
I would like to start a prayer group for ladies with breast cancer; may be by prying for each other we would feel closer and less isolated.

1 comment:

Andy Ilachinski said...

So, the "lessons" to be taken away from your Sunday experience are that the anti-nausea medicine (1) should be taken immediately, or concurrently, with the chemo (to prevent what happened to you from happening, or at least lesson its severity), and (2) actually works ! :-)