Thursday, January 8, 2009


I spent two weeks in Washington area where my son, his wife and two grandchildren live.
It was so good for my soul; my feet were still hurting but I was concentrating on good emotions and togetherness; so Christmas and New Year we celebrated together very joyfully. It is so good to laugh , love and feel loved - it beats all the medicines.
On 4th of January I was back home in New York area and on 5th started preparation for the 3rd
chemo - bloodwork, steroids, etc. On the 6th of January I underwent the third and middle of my treatment;( like a friend of mine said "the end is near"to which I replied what end?).
So far everything is a repetition of the previous treatments. But anxiety was not bad because I took what my in-law doctor and my oncologist prescribed - medicine zanac or aprozalam and could
sleep without problems. Dear sisters talk to your doctors they really help.

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